Private Brand Sales Up Double-Digits in 2022

Figures from the Private Label Manufacturers Association show strong increases across several key categories.
Greg Sleter
Associate Publisher/Executive Editor
Greg Sleter headshot

Strong consumer demand for store branded products in 2022 resulted in record annual sales for the segment, according to new figures from the Private Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA) that were provided by IRI.

Total sales were $228.6 billion, an increase of $23 billion over 2021. Overall dollar sales were up 11.3% for the 52-week period ending Jan. 1, 2023. National brand sales were up 6% over the same period.

Store brand dollar share for 2022 was 18.9%, an increase from 18.2% in 2021. Unit share was 20.5%, up from 19.9% in 2021. 

Of the 17 departments tracked by IRI, 16 showed store brand growth over the past year, with only tobacco declining. Beverages grew 19.1% in dollar sales, followed by deli/prepared (17.3%), refrigerated (17.1%), liquor (15.6%) and general food (14%). 

Beyond consumables, other categories seeing growth were general merchandise (9%), health (3.1%), beauty (2.7%) and home care (2.1%). These four product categories combined for total private label sales of more than $40 billion.

Private brand unit sales were down 1% for the year, but the decline was less than the 4.1% drop in unit sales for national brands.

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